
Showing posts from February, 2015

Green Commerce: Tapping Our Hidden Resources

There is a tremendous opportunity to identify and better manage our hidden resources. Awakening to new uses for our by-products directly recharges our valuable earth. Improved inventories of what we discard will stimulate a greater understanding of new ingenious ways to grow.   Such renewal creates new prosperity since such resource management taps into new energy and materials. Better tracking of resource and material use can provide us with a more holistic approach to “best use” and new enterprises. Preserving our world is a gold mine of new commerce and industry. Over seven billion people now live on this earth.   In the next decades, an additional several billion people are estimated to increase our ranks.   It is imperative we measure, manage and sustain resources for the future uses. Each year Americans use, discard and recycle more than 17.3 billion tons of waste including non-sewage wastewater.   The total volume of non-waste water is 4.9 b...

Life Cycle and Material Flows

Understanding the exact context of how things interrelate or where things come from and go provides us greater ecological wisdom. Exploring how things flow on to new forms and uses gives us a greener awakening. Just look how water transform from a cloud, to rain, to water, to ice, back into the air over and over again. There are many phases how an organism or product goes through. All living and non living thing go through a series of stages throughout its life and death. For example our very body composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen eventually returns back into our larger ecological cycle. Life on this planet consists of many cycles revolving around and around. Whether it is the hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, or whatever cycle that occurs understanding how these cycles interrelate are vital to our advancement. For example accounting for materials flows gives us greater understanding our larger life cycles.  Because material ...