
Showing posts from March, 2015

Stimulating Conservative Financial Assurances

George Shultz's Washington Post 3/15/15 opinion article, A Reagan Approach to Climate Change (A 19) , urges Republican action by citing what his former boss would do.  As Reagan's Secretary of State, Mr. Shultz wisely opts for responding to recent evidence by taking an insurance policy out in the form of a carbon tax.  Both Conservatives and Liberal economists have widely supported such a market based approach.  Factoring national security and scientific facts. Mr. Shultz urges to stimulate private capital in case of worse case scenarios causing serious harm.   Both solar and wind power have proven their effectiveness. A recent Department of Energy report thinks wind power could fill one-third of the U.S. needs by 2050.  However favorable tax breaks are needed to support these turbines.  DOE cites that a shift to wind would result in a net price increase of about 1 percent for consumers in the next fifteen years and would provide an overall savin...