Wisely Act

Sound action requires profound discernment. Such illuminating judgment requires deep examination. It is time to transform knowledge into wisdom. Stupidity is killing our chances. Shifting from knowing the price of everything to understanding its value opens an enlightened door . If we don’t look at the unintended costs of what we do disasters will follow. Wisely acting fosters our well-being with new possibilities and potential. We are at a crossroads unless we awaken to simple natural law, survival. Already many canaries are perishing in this coal mine of human foolishness. How can we best help future generations? Humankind must awaken to its peril or it will jeopardize its very being. Employing life saving strategies is imperative. Acting wisely lessens the possibility of our demise Unfortunately humans are preoccupied with themselves. This narcissism is horrific. Such selfishness kills . Yes- survival is the name of the game; where virtues overcome vice. Curre...