Ode to Edgemoor

What fortune to grow up at the Edgemoor Club. It has been a second home to me over 60 years. Its tennis traditions have instilled a love of this Sport for my family, neighbors and people of all walks. Where else could one have an opportunity to hit balls with beginners to Wimbledon Champions, Or to have the opportunity to speak with Arthur Ashe or Stan Smith in their visits to the Club. Or to get to know members such as Donald Dell, Richey Reneberg, and other tennis icons? Of course it was the great champion Pauline Betz Addie who started me and many others in our lifelong teaching of tennis. She was a wonderful mentor, a great teacher and a loyal member of the Club. After a career of teaching at many Clubs, it always comes back to me that Edgemoor is a very special place for tennis players, Edgemoor has always fostered inclusion, not exclusion. Its tennis tradition has bred a diversity of competitive and recreational players of all ages sharing in the fun. ...