
Showing posts from January, 2023

Gift of Thrift

As a baby boomer I am blessed to have enough savings to retire. Looking at my golden years I hope to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.  How can I leave something that adds or benefits? Regardless of the fate of we humans planting seeds for the future is my wish.   Are we in a comedy or tragedy of survival?  Now that I am on Medicare I remember barely seeing my Dad as a child. He was working overtime with Congress to legislate this and other Social Security bills.  As a young tennis player I got to travel the region. Becoming a tennis teacher in the off season I embraced preventing pollution as my salvation.  To serve in tennis is the critical and all about the toss.  Like toilet training it is imperative to get it in.  Keeping ball in the court is the key. I even played on the Capitol Hill tennis team that my Dad helped form. In 1980, I was the D.C. and national Earth Day organizer.  Six years before I wrote a high school environmental ...

2023 Kindness

F or 2023 may I be kind and remember to play.   Kindness always is of benefit.  It is like gratitude--a gift that keeps giving.  Being blessed cleans up my greater mess  Yes loving friendly acts awakens me to enthusiasm Respond rather than react--Take a breath — Be a PRO - Pause, Relax and Open  Laughing is so much better than crying so may I lighten up  Kindly-become a champ not a chump  May I champion each moment with peace, love and joy  May I be gentle with myself - kindly mindful of my mindlessness KISS spells Keep It Simple Sweetheart!!!  More play, less crap & more fun - is my MAP Mindfulness at Play! Be Free- Respond with ability is being responsible So kindly may I quiet my mind and listen to my heart.  May I be of greater benefit for 2023!!