True Caring

True caring fully happens once self care happens. Taking care of oneself is a conundrum since self care is required. Fostering new behaviors that are none judgmental help motivates me to lessen my pain. Also this helps me encourage my greater well being. Developing and wiring this internal feedback loop can be thought of as turning on one's inner light switch. Shower yourself with the starshine above. So much of my life has been filled with negative self talk and/or unskillful thoughts that distract deter or lessen my happiness. Finding both people and an environment that encourages more illuminating ways of being and thinking is what I welcome. As a tennis teacher I have for years coached how to accomplish this feat from a perspective of match and recreational play. How can I boast motivation or make their instructional time the most enjoyable and productive experience? I come to a threshold. I can continue to allow my negativity to furt...