Toxic Plastic Waste
The plastics industry for years promoted that plastic was fantastic. Yes, it's a fantastic environmental crime. Contamination in the U.S. is high since many unrecyclable forms of plastic are mismanaged. Seven percent is recovered while 3/4 is lost or buried. The lack of smarter packaging has resulted in today's horrific plastic pollution. For more than 45 years, I have championed marketing secondary materials. I have helped recycle a wide variety of reused products, from tennis balls to motor oil. I have worn many hats to promote secondary end markets. Without finding new economic opportunities for recyclables, it will be discarded. People's plastic waste exemplifies the cost of our foolishness. Tragically, we're seeing this in all aspects of our lives. For example, in the healthcare industry, a third to half is mismanaged. My dad's congressional health care expertise allowed me to observe this tragic waste our ecology determines are well-being. Remembe...