Product Stewardship

One prominent recent initiative in this area is Extended Product
Responsibility(EPR), which is a set of practices based on the idea
that manufacturers should take greater responsibility for the
impacts of their products even after they are sold. Under the
EPR system, all participants in the products' life – designers,
suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, users, and disposers – share
responsibility for the environmental effects of the product. The primary
goals of this initiative are to ensure the responsible use of resources and
to minimize solid waste generation.

Manufacturers may take responsibility in various ways, either directly
or indirectly. “Product takeback” is currently the most widespread form
of EPR. In this process, the product is returned to the manufacturer at the
end of its useful life. The manufacturer is then responsible for its ultimate
nd environmentally sound disposal. European and Asian nations are
aggressively implementing product takeback to combat their solid waste

EPA's Extended Product Responsibility (EPR) program has developed
an extensive Web site on EPR and product stewardship issues. In addition
to general information and resources on the concept of EPR, the newly
updated Web site highlights innovative product stewardship activities
by state, business, and multi-stakeholder group. This site describes
how manufacturers, retailers, consumers, and governments are working
together to make products more sustainable. Detailed profiles are
available on specific products, including electronics, carpet, packaging,
tires, batteries, and vehicles.

To find out about cutting-edge product stewardship initiatives, such
as Sony's electronic takeback program. Visit EPA's EPR web site and also check out the links for more information.


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