Freedom Is a Green Diet

What life choices we make is linked to our very freedom. We Americans must become lean and green. A green liberation movement will show us how we can become more responsible, and how we can grow our ability to be ecologically responsive. Simply, if we engage in wholesome action that is beneficial to all, we become less imprisoned by our harmful habits. We must shift from being consumers to becoming conservers. We must embrace a green diet, lessening both our waste and waists.

Yes, we must eat more GREENS! This is rabbit food not rabid food to lessen our country's chances of HEART ATTACK. An ethic of obesity must now change to a more wholesome diet for the sake of the planet. When we take care of the world, we help ourselves. Since what goes around, comes around, our individual actions directly have consequences that reflect back on us. Over-consuming on our planet creates lots of personal and global suffering besides breaking the collective heart.

The results of human overindulgence are clear. Excessive overeating can lead not only to obesity, but also to all other health dangers that result from obesity—a fact well documented. Four of our leading causes of death in America are related to overweight, poor diet and lack of exercise. These include the three leading closely related causes of death—heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. Nature deficit syndrome is another health issue. As we become more disconnected from our ecosystems we participate less often in various enjoyable physical activities. Less physical activity results in less energy, and a vicious cycle of declining physical activity and health occurs.

As a responsible society, we must prevent a double-standard where we say one thing but act differently. To proclaim that we support a reduction of global warming, and then to purchase a car that is energy inefficient, is hypocritical. We waste our good drinking water to make our lawns greener. We buy bottle water, thereby creating billions of plastic bottles. To be truly free, our deeds must be consistent with our words. If we give our best to the world, we will enjoy many happy returns!

Today's culture provides us many opportunities to reduce waste by simply reducing our consumption. Less can become best! Using less food, water, paper, plastic, oil and any other natural resource just requires an awakening that all things are valuable. Walking, using public transportation, or riding a bicycle can result in a greater sense of belonging to our community. We must not reinforce consumerism, but realize the psychic benefits of sustainable citizenship. Can we develop new environmental behavior based on supporting biological needs, instead of reinforcing greed and apathy?

The fundament human challenge is how we perceive our environment. Are we are separate from or a part of our planet? A tangle of pathology happens because we keep thinking we need more material things to feed our anxiety, and because we feel threatened by our natural world. Many environmentally minded individuals are raising America's consciousness to address climate change and other ecological concerns. We can become reconnected with life, and less anxious.

America's very pursuit of happiness is in question. We the people are the precious agents; only we can preserve our land and our spirit. The United States cannot afford to create more CO2, as well as all the other pollutants impacting not only our well being but life itself. We can lead others by example, so that India, China and others may collectively prosper by a reduced carbon path. Such preservation is vital to our sanity, our peace, and the possibility of a promising future.

In our collective pursuit of happiness, we must understand how we create global suffering. There are very serious human consequences when we engage in destructive habits whose roots are greed, arrogance and indifference. We need to see beyond the price of things, we need to value of nature's intrinsic worth—a worth that may be expressed more in aesthetic or spiritual terms.

Our consciousness must evolve to the point where we see ecological persuasions that make sense to our human self-interest. Then a connection can be made wherein we know that human health is a part of our ecosphere. We can see our world as a greater extension of ourselves when we become deeply in touch with nature and life. Our human survival depends on a healthy environment that preserves the native flora and fauna. To flourish in our physical environment humans must create healthy boundaries. This need is a moral concern since any self-interest that does not take into account the larger world, has serious ethical questions.

As we lessen our desire to consume, we find a new liberation. As we curb our obsessive hunger, a new form of prosperity will unfold. Our waste of oil, coal, water, metals, and other resources threatens America's democracy. It is both self destructive and globally reckless to over-consume.

There is a strong connection between increased well being, happiness and our national security. Thrift, generosity, sharing and other wholesome measures promote freedom. Wasteful consumption violates the very values this nation was founded on. We have a choice to become free. Our spiritual survival is dependent on our understanding of our connection with the earth and our appropriate responses. Such action is an act of kindness that benefits all things. Courage becomes evident only when we quiet our minds and listen to our hearts. Once we show a reverence for conserving can we then begin to celebrate. Let's take the H from the end of eartH and place in front spelling Heart, since they are one and the same!


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