Climate Change Civil War: Ecological vs. Eco-illogical

We live in a time where there is battle between two hemispheres - North versus South. As each of our rich and poor nations make it through each day, the melting at the poles increases. Now industrial North does not want to fully shell up the cash to help the South lessen their emerging carbon impact. Those third world Southerners have HIV, malaria, malnutrition, and sanitary daily threats presently diverting them to invest in the future. The Northerners are just coming out of the worst recessions in half a century where jobs and extra money are scarce. Many of these Northerners are skeptical question whether we need to act in the first place and in investing in carbon trading pollution control measures. This is a time to paraphrase Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, “testing whether any nation can long endure.”

In early December, over 60 newspapers each wrote editorials on climate change. Many in the media cite the facts despite the complex science. Humans must act to limit temperature rises to 2C, an aim that will require global emissions to peak and begin falling within the next 5-10 years.

Now in the United States, there is another civil war in decision making divided by the red and blue states. Both Republicans and Democrats work the democratic process to get in the short run the best deals to satisfy their voters. Our climate change clock is ticking down fast and alarming us for long term solutions. Not just is our free world in jeopardy but the fate of our natural world we survive on is in question. What is in jeopardy requires substantial fiscal investment of trillions of dollars to abate this planetary crisis. Our global civil war, is a battle field were ecological and eco-illogical must fight it out. For example just the conflict for food and water is already going from bad to worst.

We have fight wars of "poverty", "drugs" and "terrorism" why not on our country's greenhouse emissions? The United States is still on the fence to showing we are really serious player. We want a good environment however our economy is more important. Also there are many doubts of what is best way to proceed.

The decisions of we the people, our President, Congress and American domestic politics is holding the planet in peril. Thus far in the debate we represent the greatest per person users and polluter. Can we clean up our share? Now the rest of the world looks to us to see how we define need from greed in the use of resources and our investment into a green economy. We are in many levels engaged in various civil wars both here and abroad. The question is will we endure finding ways to resolve our conflicts or will this division result in an ultimate loss of our ecological world by eco-illoggical decisions.


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