Put Out Our Global Blaze
If your house started to catch fire, what would you do? Well our Earth is catching fire, and many humans are sleeping through the beginning flames. The world’s future is interdependent on our ability to foresee and forestall this global blaze.
Never in human history have we been faced with such a menacing wildfire. Are we, the human species, going to become burn victims? Are we on the verge of bringing on the sixth great Earth extinction event? Reflecting on the fact that ninety-nine percent of the species that have ever lived on this planet are extinct, you may hear your smoke detector start to scream. Can you feel it getting hotter?
Yes there is truth what Smokey the Bear used to say, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Fires caused by humans are usually the result of carelessness and ignorance. A critical mass of people who are asleep act as small sparks igniting flames throughout our collective home. In order to survive, we must change our mind-set of “independence” into a new “Declaration of Interdependence.” We can’t put out large fires on our own; it requires a group effort.
This ticking time bomb also comports an explosion of human consciousness that is critical for our survival. The facts are clear: the human species is both an endangered and endangering force on this fragile planet. Our exponential consumption of fossil fuels, which took millions of years to form, is being almost thoroughly depleted in just over century. These same fuels are, ironically, capable of quickly transforming civilization into future fossils.
Death of our biosphere and the shutting down of our ecological systems is clearly being documented, and the rates of this destruction are escalating. Every day scientific reports and data reinforce the evidence.
Correspondingly we are witnessing similar collapses in our financial, political, social and psychological systems. For example, the levels of anxiety, stress and mental illness are at their highest recorded levels ever. Other symptoms of social breakdown are everywhere. Just looking at how our leaders have addressed climate change provides ample evidence that any sane individual must do something to remedy things within his or her means, or else one becomes an accessory to the present collective human insanity.
There is a wealth of potential solutions and ways that can contribute to the aversion of destruction. Conservation of our available energy is one key solution. This is the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce carbon emissions: avoid energy loss in the first place. Mindful frugal energy use can have a tremendous effect and create momentum that will quickly diminish the present disaster scenario.
Increased efficiencies in energy use and conservation are bountiful. For example, better light technologies such as compact fluorescents and light emitting diodes (LEDs) can lessen by 25 percent electrical use that lighting taps from our power grid. The list of technologies, both existing and emerging, and innovations are as endless as the magic of human ingenuity and imagination.
Each one us can light a candle to possibility, rather than do nothing and burn our neighborhood down. The creativity, spiritual, artistic, and cultural potential of each of us can help to dampen these climate fires. According to scientists, we have roughly five years to develop the necessary preventative measures to save this planet. We cannot afford to wait.
Each of us must question how we can lessen our global fires. The sooner we get to the flames, the less damage this global blaze will have. As the fire smolders or blazes, we must understand that it is the emissions or smoke that kills first.
As good neighbors we each act as fire fighters, handing along buckets of water in a line to cool down our rapidly overheating planet rather than continue to add to the flames. Only we can prevent global fires.
Never in human history have we been faced with such a menacing wildfire. Are we, the human species, going to become burn victims? Are we on the verge of bringing on the sixth great Earth extinction event? Reflecting on the fact that ninety-nine percent of the species that have ever lived on this planet are extinct, you may hear your smoke detector start to scream. Can you feel it getting hotter?
Yes there is truth what Smokey the Bear used to say, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Fires caused by humans are usually the result of carelessness and ignorance. A critical mass of people who are asleep act as small sparks igniting flames throughout our collective home. In order to survive, we must change our mind-set of “independence” into a new “Declaration of Interdependence.” We can’t put out large fires on our own; it requires a group effort.
This ticking time bomb also comports an explosion of human consciousness that is critical for our survival. The facts are clear: the human species is both an endangered and endangering force on this fragile planet. Our exponential consumption of fossil fuels, which took millions of years to form, is being almost thoroughly depleted in just over century. These same fuels are, ironically, capable of quickly transforming civilization into future fossils.
Death of our biosphere and the shutting down of our ecological systems is clearly being documented, and the rates of this destruction are escalating. Every day scientific reports and data reinforce the evidence.
Correspondingly we are witnessing similar collapses in our financial, political, social and psychological systems. For example, the levels of anxiety, stress and mental illness are at their highest recorded levels ever. Other symptoms of social breakdown are everywhere. Just looking at how our leaders have addressed climate change provides ample evidence that any sane individual must do something to remedy things within his or her means, or else one becomes an accessory to the present collective human insanity.
There is a wealth of potential solutions and ways that can contribute to the aversion of destruction. Conservation of our available energy is one key solution. This is the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce carbon emissions: avoid energy loss in the first place. Mindful frugal energy use can have a tremendous effect and create momentum that will quickly diminish the present disaster scenario.
Increased efficiencies in energy use and conservation are bountiful. For example, better light technologies such as compact fluorescents and light emitting diodes (LEDs) can lessen by 25 percent electrical use that lighting taps from our power grid. The list of technologies, both existing and emerging, and innovations are as endless as the magic of human ingenuity and imagination.
Each one us can light a candle to possibility, rather than do nothing and burn our neighborhood down. The creativity, spiritual, artistic, and cultural potential of each of us can help to dampen these climate fires. According to scientists, we have roughly five years to develop the necessary preventative measures to save this planet. We cannot afford to wait.
Each of us must question how we can lessen our global fires. The sooner we get to the flames, the less damage this global blaze will have. As the fire smolders or blazes, we must understand that it is the emissions or smoke that kills first.
As good neighbors we each act as fire fighters, handing along buckets of water in a line to cool down our rapidly overheating planet rather than continue to add to the flames. Only we can prevent global fires.