Government Waste: A Catch Word

Government waste is a common used phrase. However, even the many organization’s that are the watchdogs of this costly act have been unable to get to the root of the problem. We love create spend more instead of fully using what we have. Consume seems to be an economic mantra however, it all results in less if we do not show some thrift.

The government wastes money, resources and other precious things because there is an incentive to do so. We, Americans or better yet our Congress, has no reason to save since everyone wants more and more. Look at any area of government support- health care, defense, education, environmental protection, transportation, housing, foreign affairs, intelligence you see billions of dollars lost. The question is how we can create new commerce and prosperity without jeopardizing future generation's quality of life?

Now what incentives does our government give to be frugal or more conservative? You can search for performance based saving measures and you will find few or none. Just look at our national debt and you will see how it grows in trillions in several months.

The fact is that many special interests benefit from government over spending and waste. Watch the movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War” to see that Congress is an addict when it comes to fiscal restraint. Unfortunate like any addiction what will it take for American’s to understand we all pay more when we waste. However, the reality is that no one is going to seriously champion government towards more frugal ways since there are too many disincentives and special interests to result in such a change.

Unless Americans see the future connection if our government continues to waste they transfer this debt to the next generations to pay latter at higher cost. This country will not fully prosper until we have a revolution about how we conduct business. As we evolve to better management practices we also will find a increased sense of well being. Cleaning house is what is "eco" is all about becoming lean and helping to discover the really meaning of "green."


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