Appreciating Our Earth Day Everyday
When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may
begin to use it with love and respect.
—Aldo Leopold
41 years ago we celebrated our first Earth Day. Ten years later I was a national and DC Earth Day organizer. In 1970, the first Earth Day's message was heard and in the few years that followed, sweeping environmental legislation and a powerful time of reawakening. Today there is a growing realization of our impact on the natural world is a critical circumstance. This Earth Day we need to reflect seriously on the fact that time may really be running out for our planet's life support systems - and for us.
Yes Earth Day is a day of clean-ups, educational activities, tree plantings, speeches, conversations and other green events. However a greater global solidarity is essential so we can best cleanup of our Earth, our seas, and our skies. It is a day to teach simplification, to lessen our consumptive lifestyle, and to highlight the importance of establishing a deep and profound connection to the natural world, the cycles of life, and the rhythms of nature
Earth Day is a day like thanksgiving of having profound appreciation. Increasing our gratitude gives greater my purpose and a richer life. Invoking greater appreciation gives profound sense of joy. An understanding how all things are interconnected. This gratitude is that we are all not separate and our survival is about the greater whole. As we individuals develop greater compassion, courage, and tenacity, we can fully engage in the kind of holistic stewardship that is calling to us now.
A new dimension mind-set understands that trees have rights to be just as do people and all living things. Without one we will not have the other. Deforestation, stripping mountaintops, fracking for gas, and numerous other forms of reckless environmental exploitation may satisfy human needs in the short run. However this greed may rob generations of their future prosperity. Emerging is a new awareness on our how are not separate from our earth. A green awakening is happening to stimulate greater life-affirming and life enhancing choices.
Earth Day is global call to do more with less. Be smart, wise and conserve. Use best the precious resources we have, and teach our children that life sustaining acts plant seeds for future generations. Preserving and protecting our environment are tied to the very notion of environmental of human excellence. Humans can demonstrate their virtue and flourish the human experience by promoting healthier relationships with our planet.
Just a simple act like riding a bicycle serves to better our world. Any actions that directly promote the well-being of the larger ecological community serve to show our gratitude for the earth. Any choice that lessens harm on this planet must be supported. Any way we can better this planet directly betters ourselves. 41 years ago recycling was introduced into our vocabulary. Now we must follow the example of those chasing arrows. Give and you shall get. May you enjoy this day and every other one with a new reverence for this Earth and what is gives you!