Mrs. Carter's 11th Grade Class Eco-Research

Thank you Mrs. Carter's 11 Grade Summer Class! Your exploration of ways to "go green" and have fun by conserving are inspiring. Below are their findings of the various ways of helping improve our world. Much appreciation for your research and all wonderful benefits we all share from such conservation!

Dear Mr. Arner,

Greetings from Mrs. Carter's 11th grade science summer class! We came across this page while working on our studies about finding ways we can help the environment be it a fun eco-friendly project or something we can do with our families at home to "go green." We found some resources on your page to be a useful contribution for our on-going project. Thank you for providing those sources!

As a class we wanted to offer resources that we found that we have voted as a class that would make a great addition to your page. We all will receive extra credit towards our project grade if you find these sources suitable enough for your site. This was our group class project we had to complete, but this is the last piece of the puzzle we need to finish before we make our presentations.

We hope you find our resources useful and that you will help our class finish our project. This class project is finished at the end of next week, so we hope to hear back from you soon!

Thank you for taking the time to review our resources and we hope we have helped you as you have us!

Thanks again!

Mrs. Carter's 11th Grade Class


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