Little or Big SH?T: Resource or Hazard?
Worldwide handling our collective excrement there is no one silver bullet. Each person disposes of 1/4 of pound of feces each day and about a quart of urine. Promoting best management practices (BMPs) for these biosolids—also known as sludge--will lessen water pollution and safeguard public health. Yes it a Herculean issue. No longer do we have the fifth labor of Hercules. Just in one day he cleaned the stable of 3000 cattle for King Augeas breaking two walls and diverting the river through cattle yard that had been there for three decades. In 2013, with almost 7 billion people worldwide, this amounts to about 400 million metric tons a year. Add to this add 1.4 billion cattle, 19 billion chicken, 1 billion pigs, and 1.8 billion goats and sheep or 14 billion metric tons of animals. This does not include all the wildlife that also adds to this crap. If you address the major public health issue about one third of population...