A Green Diet, to Be Free

What life choices you make is linked to your very freedom.  Prosper and become lean and green. A green liberation awakens us to become economically, and ecologically responsive. Simply, if you engage in wholesome action that is beneficial to all, your become less imprisoned by your harmful habits. Let's shift from being consumers to becoming conservers.  Embrace a green diet, lessening both our waste and waists. 

Yes, be green and lessen your chances of HEART ATTACK with a more wholesome diet for the sake of our planet. When you take care of the world, you also help yourself. Since what goes around, comes around, our individual actions directly have consequences that reflect back on us. Over-consuming on our planet creates lots of personal and global suffering besides breaking our collective heart.   Your courage becomes evident once you quiet your mind and listen to your heart.  Show reverence for conserving by taking the H from the end of eartH and place in front spelling Heart, since they are interconnected. 

The results of human overindulgence are clear. Excessive overeating can lead not only to obesity, but also to all other health dangers that result from obesity—a fact well documented. Four of our leading causes of death in America are related to overweight, poor diet and lack of exercise.  These include the three leading closely related causes of death—heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. Nature deficit syndrome is another health issue. As we become more disconnected from our ecosystems we participate less often in various enjoyable physical activities. Less physical activity results in less energy, and a vicious cycle of declining physical activity and health occurs. 

America's very pursuit of happiness is in question. You are the precious change agent to preserve our land.  Less pollution equals greater well being. Exercise for greater sanity, peace, and future possibility with mindful living. Your happiness is tied to creative lifestyle that benefits rather than depletes. Go beyond the price of things,  and embrace the value of nature's priceless worth.

Be responsible - lessen your impact and better your world.  Be free,  exercise all sorts of deeds consistent with what you really value. Lessen consumption and enhance your well being.  More green, lean you enjoy the benefits of more fun less, stuff.  Celebrate by giving the best to the world, and reap its amazing happy returns.   Be free and treasure the benefits of your green diet.


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