Investing and Conserving Will Safeguard Our Future
Advancements in weather and economic modeling are documenting the cost of man-made carbon dioxide and other pollutants. The White House is concerned of the financial concerns of climate change. The White House Budget Chief, Shaun Donovan, comments below; …global economic output could suffer by about 0.90 percent in the United States that would amount to whacking of gross domestic product by $150 billion a year. And as the Great Recession demonstrated, “even small reductions in real GDP can dramatically reduce federal revenue, drive our deficits and impact the government’s ability to serve the public,”… 1 Conserving certainly can lessen our nearly $18 trillion national debt. Also we can invest in new economic development program to combat this human environmental crisis. According to the American Geophysical Union, 80 percent of the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1700’s has occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries. Also the Pew Center on G...