Thanks for Saving; Attitude of Gratitude

When I respect things, no matter if they are natural, human or spiritual, it is a form of thanksgiving.  Showing such reverence, either by conserving or just observing, I directly become interlinked with a profound appreciation of being on this Earth.

Counting my blessings becomes a gift that keeps sustaining me. Nothing for me can be more rejuvenating than expressing gratefulness for all the ways this life and its people, and resources has provided me.

Just maintaining a state of gratefulness re-energizes me, and moves me to shift my attitude so that I look for the silver lining in every cloud. Instead of looking at things as a curse, I can see them as the blessing they truly are.  This is a peak experience because this brings me in a flow state, since I am in ultimate relationship with all things. 

The power of gratitude leads me to a greater sense of purpose, and a richer life. Invoking appreciation gives me a profound sense of joy, and links me with all things, filling me with a sense of harmony and well being.

The act of conserving is a way of showing gratitude by a form of stewardship that allows me to exercise my thanks by acting respectful.   Appreciation creates a mindset that reconnects me to value what has the highest importance. My feeling of gratitude expands when I reflect on how all things are interconnected.

Exercising my "the attitude of gratitude" opens me to new possibilities.  Can I simply enjoy hearing my own heartbeat? How grateful am I to all those things life on this planet has given me? Do I cherish the food, shelter and other gifts?   Instead of the same old "I-am-the-victim", or the "poor-me" mindset I then stop "should-ing" all over myself.

An "attitude of gratitude" is a loving-kind way of making this world a better place.  Each day, Thanksgiving and Earth Day can be observed together. Both celebrate the same blessings we are so lucky to enjoy.


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