Everyday Can Be a Green Celebration
When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. —Aldo Leopold Earth Day is celebrating its 45th birthday this Wednesday. Since 1970, there has been enormous environmental changes due to the first Earth Day's sweeping green awakening. In 1980, I was a national and D.C. Earth Day organizer. Today our world is in delicate balance. This Earth Day we need to be engage in our planet's life support systems - planting seeds of future prosperity. Earth Day now has to happen everyday with clean-ups, educational activities, tree plantings, and other green acts. Each one of us can better our lives by honoring our Earth, seas, and skies. Everyday we can deepen our connection with the natural world, the cycles of life, and the rhythms of nature. This is greatest step toward higher self care. Each day we can show our thanksgiving for our home, this planet. Increasing our gratitude gives us a richer...