Trees, Jobs and Conservation

Each year on this planet we lose forests the size of Germany. This earth needs more trees to give us new oxygen, water and share.

82 years ago Franklin Roosevelt kick off one of his first New Deal program called the Civilian Conservation Corps and its first camp was in my home town, Edinburg, Virginia.  Two million men were employed and planted almost three billion trees.    

Conservation industries generate over 8.5 million jobs and nearly $1 trillion in annual revenue in the United States, and represent some of the fastest growing sectors in our economy. However, the many other forms of conservation that is not accounted for.

Did you know that George Washington being our nation’s first composter ( and surveyed the valley were I live.  In his name a century ago the George Washington Forest was created for our benefit.  

The GW forest acts as a huge water treatment system purifying our drinking water. For example, water resources in the George Washington National Forest serve an estimated 8,452 residents just within the Shenandoah County. Yearly our GW Forest generated billions of dollars in timber, tourism, and other environmental benefits.

This valley’s forest acts as a giant filtration system for the entire larger watershed helping purify our water, air and land. In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people. Also trees lessens nature’s runoff and holds soil in place while filtering pollutants and recharging our earth. Three trees placed strategically around a single-family home can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.

We all profit from pollution prevention. Civilian conservation incorporates compassion, diligence, respect, courage, tenacity, and gratitude.  These liberating virtues strengthen our connection leading to higher levels of excellence. We all prosper cultivating healthier relationship. Caring for the land, we collectively tap into a expanded forms of happiness. Celebrate how civilian conservation creates new community and possibilities. Conserving is not just a return on our investment, however, a greater return of our investment. Come honor our legacy so and plant new seeds for the future prosperity.  

Below is some interesting information

…Virginia's forests provide a renewable natural resource that extends from harvesting timber to natural beauty…The importance of forests in cleansing the air, purifying our water, providing products, and fostering recreation opportunities must be embraced as we advance into the 21st century.

-From the strong industrial base worth $17 billion in annual total economic output to a wide-ranging array of forest related values worth $5.1 billion annually, forests in Virginia are healthy and diverse, yet are changing due to socioeconomic pressures.
-The forest resource of the Commonwealth:Continues to support one of the largest manufacturing industries in the state, ranking first in employment, wages and salaries.
-Contributes $345 million back to Virginia landowners for selling their timber.
-Provides more than $3 billion in recreational opportunities to two-thirds of citizens.
-Generates more than 103,000 jobs.
-Generates an estimated $60 million through specialty forest products.
-Protects Virginia watersheds from erosion and sedimentation.
-Provides long-term carbon sequestration through forest management on 16 million acres of forest land, which contributes to clean air and enhances our quality of life. Carbon sequestration is the long-term storage of carbon in the terrestrial biosphere (such as trees), underground, or the oceans so that the buildup of carbon dioxide (the principal greenhouse gas) concentration in the atmosphere will reduce or slow.
-Provides important social benefits including attractive sites for homes, scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, a draw for visitors and potential new residents.
-The growth of the forest products industry has resulted in a strong economy. A continuing high level of management and protection is needed to maintain this invaluable forest resource now and for future generations.


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