Being Cool with a Warming World
As our planet heats up being cool or conserving helps you find a peace of mind due to this climate craziness. Increased population, pollution, resource loss (water, soil, trees, etc) and other forms of depletion do have a serious consequences. For example, according to a major study in the journal, Nature, Greenland since 1900 has lost 9,103 gigaton of ice (a gigaton is a billion metric tons). More alarming is that this loss doubled from 2003-2010, compared with the loss from previous years. Such information can fever the mind. Keeping cool is about mindful resource use of using more with less. We as humans will pay a greater price if we do it respond to this accelerated environmental damage. The more we prevent the greater we profit. Increased emissions is not just a national but an international security issue. The better we mimic our natural cycles the greater we invest in our future prospects. If one looks at how carbon dioxide (CO2) impacts our eco-system then the...