Being Cool with a Warming World

As our planet heats up being cool or conserving helps you find a peace of mind due to this climate craziness. Increased population, pollution, resource loss (water, soil, trees, etc) and other forms of depletion do have a serious consequences. For example, according to a major study in the journal, Nature, Greenland since 1900 has lost 9,103 gigaton of ice (a gigaton is a billion metric tons). More alarming is that this loss doubled from 2003-2010, compared with the loss from previous years. Such information can fever the mind. Keeping cool is about mindful resource use of using more with less. We as humans will pay a greater price if we do it respond to this accelerated environmental damage. The more we prevent the greater we profit. Increased emissions is not just a national but an international security issue. The better we mimic our natural cycles the greater we invest in our future prospects. If one looks at how carbon dioxide (CO2) impacts our eco-system then there will be not question what have to be done. Observing the last 1000 years of emissions then we would be more sensitive how long it take for CO2 to removed by the natural processes. In the next 45 years it is expected we cross the 2-degree Celsius rise in mean global temperature. How we address our energy, and resource issues will have a future effect. Yes we are on a larger Easter Island except our now it's a bigger spaceship. For example, the more trees we cut down the greater we accelerate not just resource loss but the probable human one. Preventing such a disaster is paramount. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the new CO2 rules to address climate change will cost between $5-8.4 billion in 2030. Simply take away of all the federal subsidies to industries that create this carbon will offset the cost to clean it up. Presently our national economy is $17 trillion dollars. Creating a cool comes down to each of us to find how we can keep the temperature and emissions down. Using more with less and making other ingenious choices has a ripple effect. Years in the future we may look back and see how huge this is as a national security issue. Already numerous military experts and most world leaders have identified climate change as major defense priority. Let's discern fact from fiction and create a legacy of hope that humans will unite to insure our very existence. Being cool with a warming world is our first line of defense.


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