I am inspired how all things somehow work together. To constantly remember my oneness or how the unifying spider web of all things fills me with profound joy. I term this re-joy where I touch a miraculous heart and meaning experience. These mystical inter-relationships recharge me with greater luminosity.
Since all things are transient and so is my greater self. We all are tied to the collective connection of materials created by the earth, air, water, energy and other sources. These elements both allow me to enjoy the sacredness of all things and to live.
I find liberation in our finite oneness. Here I find an unlimited treasure of joy and grace. When I look up to the star filled night sky this experience unites me beyond what words may describe.
Beyond my personal issues I lessen my sense of separation. For example when I get distracted about selfish silly wants I disconnect from hub or source of oneness. Less joy then results. Remembering to just simply reconnect, I awaken to the collective unification by observing nature. This expanded consciousness acts like a new birth. Such possibilities fosters greater happiness.
When I let go of my self-consuming thinking I touch a place without causes or conditions. This pure consciousness illuminates me with greater loving- friendliness and grace. I benefit from this selfless rejoy experience.
Expanding my heart takes courage since such new exploration at first can be frightening. However, a compassionate trust alters my mental conditioning and habits that once trap me with much fear, and despair. The very word enlightenment is all about merging into the one. This dissolves my miserable issues like a cloud in the sky freeing me of limitations.
All things in this cosmos intersect in one divine point. All things exist dependent upon other entities. I am no different. Numerous conditions and causes result in nothing being independent since the environment shapes organisms by interchanging webs of food, nutrients and other forms of interconnection. Networks of ecosystems exchange birth, death, decay as energy material is constantly being recycled.
Once I allow my contracted self to let go I elevate my well-being. All things become unified by this mystical togetherness. This oneness is beyond words, thoughts, beliefs, concepts. A state of oneness is beyond an idea. Here unity, peace, and the mystery of wholeness exist. Separateness ceases and any sense of concepts are lost. The sum of the parts unites me together in a luminous whole. Profoundly aware I find this unified mind-set best happens for me in a pristine natural setting.
Such awakened oneness is not about one belief versus another belief. This divine spirit is about a deep trust of the greater self. Exploring my divine nature, I deeply listen and into an unifying experience I call re-joy.
Inspired by “With One Voice”