Wow after two years of social distancing the fog is clearing. Getting older I find so many dear friends dying or disabled. I do not believe in retiring even though I work a twenty hour year. The last words I wish to say are “recycled.” Time is more valuable than money.
Sharing our greater interconnection brings me joy. As I review my life experiences. I hope to best serve and depart with a legacy. Planting seeds of the future I wish to foster greater future purpose and potential.
The way leads the way when I can get out of my own way. Almost 65 may I awaken with greater enthusiasm. I find wisdom in seeing the power of a virtuous life. Leading by example I vow to pass on something of value. I experienced this when my oldest brother died over a decade ago. So many memories of several departed loved ones inspires me to go forth.
I have been greatly misunderstood and challenged most of my life. Overcoming my shortcomings and existential despair I hope to transform my curses into blessings.
Sharing my appreciation for all the gifts I've been given increases my well being. I become liberated by lessening my drama and responsibly adding instead of subtracting.
Presently it feels like Benited States of Hysteria. Greed has trumped need. Even the weather channel is filled with violent climate weirdness.. My quest depends upon changing my outlook to “Bewildered States of Mystery”. Our collective ignorance lapse combined with an eco-collapse imperils future generations. May we all honor well being.
How may I ingeniously best manage new possibilities, potential and purpose?
How may I help not harm so to unite not divide? How may I benefit by giving and sharing? What’s more awesome words or deeds? Does awe and enthusiasm Increase my gratitude?