
Showing posts from August, 2022

Value or Price- What is the cost?

Oscar Wilde once defined a cynic as, “knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.”  Today I am cynical since we have not adequately addressed both the price and value of pollution.   I have decades of experience of establishing all types of recycling and environmental protection programs in a subsidized disposal culture.    I call myself a resource management expert recovering from my title 30 years ago as a waste planner.  Today’s climate crisis challenges me to propose more with less.  It is simple: the problem of consuming must be tempered by conserving. Assisting in the design, implementation and promotion of recycling in the 1970’s gives me some unique insight on the unintended consequences of having a plan or failing to do so.  Climate mitigation will happen in bountiful ways, however, reduction is key. As we learned in solid waste management the chasing arrow  is not just reduce, reuse, recycling however marketing, collec...

PRO- Pause, Relax and Open

  Acting as if I am in the eye of the hurricane is how I will best go forth.  The wild winds of what is presently going on provides me the opportunity to go within.  By remaining calm given today’s turbulence may I be free to respond. Rather than to react may I cultivate peace, love and joy.     Showing up to my circumstances as a PRO, I Pause, Relax and Open to whatever insanity that presently I may face.  May I liberate myself from such suffering and allow freedom to ring.  Acting from inspiration rather than reacting in desperation I celebrate my highest potential, purpose and possibility.    Pause relax open PRO -become a champ not a chump Take a breath —pause relax and open to PRO Laughing rather than crying may I lighten up Champion each moment with peace, love and joy Be free to breathe whenever or NOT Be kind and gentle with yourself - Well Yes  KISS —keep it simple, Sweetheart Be Free- Respond with ability   PRO liber...

One Carbon Less Vision

A Better Deal-  Securing America’s Future- W e are all shareholders in securing our children’s future. Let’s best maximize our land’s value and minimize its loss.  WAR – We Are Regaining- conserve not consume  - Explore ingenious alternative environmental financing mechanisms (e.g.Eco-shares, green bucks or alternatives green fund/bond etc.)  1. Currently the American dollar is based on our faith in the Federal Reserve System. Without TRUST, the system will fail. What long term environmental economic social security system is there? 2. America’s best response is to help itself during a disaster. Disaster is now “happening.” Immediate mitigation measures such as tree planting are imperative. 3. Why WAR? Is not our current enemy ourselves? During a war, We are all united to combat the issue. Now, let’s focus on how life-cycle accounting for future financial savings.  4. A War on Waste ( people, places and things ) is an economical win/win option. New financial an...

An American Mess

Each year Americans use, discard and recycle more than 17 billion tons of waste.  Improved feedback on how we can re-utilize our discards is an emerging frontier of economic development.  How we stimulate a greater understanding on how we can either minimize and/or recover this waste. Also such endeavors will foster similar efforts in other enterprises. Improved inventories of what we discard may stimulate a greater understanding of how we can either minimize or better recover these resources.  The connection between waste and our land, air and water is a very important one.  Our increased living standard results in not just resource consumption but the need  to develop future resources from waste to meet increased demands for new products. Better tracking of the entire material cycle can provide us with better insights to manage our limited resources. Even though we have made major advances in cleaning up the environment, we must evolve as better managers of ou...

Carbon Less Investments

Advocating resource management has been an uphill challenge. Economic growth has been driven by consuming while a new marketplace of conserving is the tenor of the times.  Growing in Washington DC I (see ) have witnessed an effluent America.  Assisting with various pollution prevention/recycling programs has addressed just the tip of the iceberg. Unless we forestall climate change and foresee new opportunities in environmental protection our future is in question. Ingenious investments lessening carbon is imperative.  Profiting from pollution prevention requires a financial  tipping point since our survival also is being challenged by a climate tipping point..  Unfortunately there are few incentives to save.  A new economic frontier exists once we transform from “consumers” to conservators”  Best management of resources coupled with designing sustainable forms of commerce where we will replace “Use it or Lose It ” to ``Pay as You Th...