Value or Price- What is the cost?
Oscar Wilde once defined a cynic as, “knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Today I am cynical since we have not adequately addressed both the price and value of pollution. I have decades of experience of establishing all types of recycling and environmental protection programs in a subsidized disposal culture. I call myself a resource management expert recovering from my title 30 years ago as a waste planner. Today’s climate crisis challenges me to propose more with less. It is simple: the problem of consuming must be tempered by conserving. Assisting in the design, implementation and promotion of recycling in the 1970’s gives me some unique insight on the unintended consequences of having a plan or failing to do so. Climate mitigation will happen in bountiful ways, however, reduction is key. As we learned in solid waste management the chasing arrow is not just reduce, reuse, recycling however marketing, collec...