One Carbon Less Vision

A Better Deal-  Securing America’s Future-

We are all shareholders in securing our children’s future. Let’s best maximize our land’s value and minimize its loss. 

WAR – We Are Regaining- conserve not consume  - Explore ingenious alternative environmental financing mechanisms (e.g.Eco-shares, green bucks or alternatives green fund/bond etc.) 

1. Currently the American dollar is based on our faith in the Federal Reserve System. Without TRUST, the system will fail. What long term environmental economic social security system is there?

2. America’s best response is to help itself during a disaster. Disaster is now “happening.” Immediate mitigation measures such as tree planting are imperative.

3. Why WAR? Is not our current enemy ourselves? During a war, We are all united to combat the issue. Now, let’s focus on how life-cycle accounting for future financial savings.

 4. A War on Waste (people, places and things) is an economical win/win option. New financial and insurance mechanisms will create new opportunities . 

WHAT- Recreate future markets that stimulate saving instead of consuming. Present prices and policies foster inefficiencies and disincentives to save. What can we lose vs. gain? 

One possibility is a new CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps. Foster public/private enterprises that stimulate sustainable community endeavors that;

*Create jobs * Foster wellness and psychic well being * Best manage natural, human and other resources * Regain new possibilities to people from all walks of life

Ingeniously explore trust fund-like opportunities to stimulate green infrastructure prospects. Also, thrifty resource management investments may create ingenious R&D opportunities to stimulate green economic development. Profiting on pollution prevention will result in our greatest investment - this beloved land.

REGAIN U.S- create new markets to preserve, conserve and

protect that stimulate green growth;  *Organizational development and master plans to design all facets of climate cooling  *Micro-financing *University contests like the ones done for Solar Houses * Small Business Loans and Supports  * Research and Development (R&D) funding and  centers *Letters of Credit, promissory notes, low interest loans, tax credits, etc *Inventory and benefit/cost life cycle accounting to document risk avoidance and long term gains. *Other wisely engineered supportive measures

WHO - Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, non-profits, civic groups, religious groups and people from all walks of life. If WE the people are not involved somehow, A BETTER DEAL will fail. We all will benefit if this is made convenient and easy to maximize support.

WHAT - Replace - Use It or Lose It - Let’s Not Lose It. Present government and corporations have created planned obsolescence formulating a green economy   

Massive tax reform, and actuarial and accounting measures are vital. Highlighting long-term gains rather than subsiding obsolescence is paramount. Pricing for pollution and regrettable costs must be placed-up front. Fostering preventative measures requires market based ingenuity.  A Better Deal - WAR  requires various tipping points. Climate change is a clear and present danger.  WAR - We Are Regaining - promotes foreseeing and forestalling eco-disaster. Let’s celebrate American thrift with future gifts of less carbon and more well-being. 


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