Reflections Thanks to the Woods
Being mindful awakens me to how mindless I am and the importance of kindness. I kindly find this self care in the trees cultivating both meanings of “present.” Being here now and the gift I find from this “hereness”.
Thoreau exemplified this by stating;
Direct your eye inward, and you'll find / A thousand regions in your mind / Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be / Expert in home-cosmography
I interpret Thoreau as saying we can discover boundless things looking inward. I lessen my suffering and tap greater freedom with such introspection. Thoreau recognized the value of inner staycations by simple contemplation. Seeing things right at my home has been priceless for me. Travel is a matter of perspective, not location. With curiosity, an open mind and a broad horizon of free time, it's possible to travel in your own backyard.
For 30 years I’ve profoundly experienced this living alone in the woods. I came 100 miles west of Washington DC to celebrate the wonders of the forest and its well being. Every new day I rejoice the sunrise as a “morning star” heralding new wonders to come.
My motto is “Keep It Simple, Sweetheart or KISS”. Thoreau advocates less is more “It is life near the bone where it is sweetest”. I focus on my needs rather than my greed by savoring the necessities, slowing down, consuming less and conserving more.
My well being is my wealth by cultivating a healthy mind, body and soul. I dedicated my life to a modest lifestyle. Thoreau believed those of lesser means, because they are the least tied down by material possessions, have an increased opportunity to live a higher existence. Also Thoreau remarked a person does not necessarily have work providing them with much money. From my thousands of hours alone in the woods I have celebrated its beneficial virtues.
Cultivating virtue I embraced inter/inner ways to connect with the divine. If you take H off Heart and place it at the end it spells Earth.
* Are you uniting or dividing? Harming or helping?
* Are you benefiting or are you taking away?
* Does receiving result when you start giving?
* Are words without deeds helpful or just empty promises?
* How do you best show your gratitude?
* Do you find happiness from taking or being of benefit?
* Where do you find awe? Within, outside or both?