
When I listen to my heart it creates “Here-ness”. This is a radical way to exercise self love and virtue. There are many diverse ways for me to explore this compassionate place. When I quiet my mind, and listen to my heartbeat I cultivate this priceless experience. This is a sacred gift I give to myself. Also this portal of a higher power allows me to be of greater service. Mindfully heart-fullness is the courage to fully show up to even the most horrific life events.

Exploring my deepest emotions gives me the opportunity to see how the opposites balance each other.  Joy counters sadness, love redirects anger, hope overcomes despair. Heart-fullness gives me a perspective to see both sides and proceed on right down the middle.

Such appreciative inquiry lessens my judging mind.  Also I find myself being more gentle and friendly to whatver arises including my cruel inner critical  voice.
Such observations shifts me from becoming to a being or more proactive perspective. I get out of the "me" mindset transforming my experience to the sharing or "we" unified field of possibility.

This fearless place of sharing and caring is a peak experience. Just quiet your mind and listen to your heart. What happens?  For me I find greater peace and harmony.  Sharing and caring cultivates heart-fullness.  I find this happiness sharing is key to my well being only if do this with sacred care.  

You do not need to leave your room. 
Remain sitting at your table and listen. 
Do not even listen, simply wait, 
be quiet still and solitary. 
The world will freely offer itself to you 
to be unmasked, 
it has no choice, 
it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. 
—Franz Kafka


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