Listen to Your Heart

Let the beauty you love be what you do -

Quiet your mind, listen to your heart. There are millions of ways to embody compassion. For example become a spiritual stock broker investing in the well being for all things. We are all shareholders in this world. What is your  “Happiness Sharing, Fun Raising potential?  Keep your eye on a ball of loving kindness.

We live on a cosmic merry go-round where what goes around, comes around. Engage with reverence and gratitude fostering a cyclic loop I term “happy returns." Keep that ball of love in the court of possibility and new purpose.

Explore happiness sharing fun-raising purpose, potential and possibilities. We have a choice in the world: we can suffer or invest in our better collective well being. Address the horrific climate weirdness- transform a tragedy into a comedy of survival.  Show respect leading by example lighting your candle of compassion enlightening the way.


One option is to embrace a more sustainable way of life - conserving rather than consuming. Less becomes more when you show reverence for all things.


Like dropping a pebble in still water we create widening circles of loving friendliness. So care for your earth, your higher being. Let's give our best creating potential, possibility and purpose.

Can you find humorous mindful green fun with inspiration rather than desperation?  Keep your eye on the ball of love. Be lighter rather then wastefully dense.

Everyday I raise my earth flag thanking my planet. So I invite you in heartfelt rituals "there are hundreds of ways to kneel down kiss the Earth."

Enact any “attitude of gratitude" since your earth and heart will celebrate its highest purpose, potential and possibility! Embody compassion to enjoy its heavenly prospects.

Let the beauty you love be what you do - there's a hundred ways to kneel down and kiss the Earth- Rumi

Other ideas

How can we best entertain more people to enjoy the benefits of conserving and preserving?  For example, create. a game called Eco-karma or Nirvana Now! or whatever focused on ingenuity, imagination and interconnection.


The Card Game of WAR (We Are Reducing) – the goal do more with less.  Add instead of subtract!   The game is about being free of too much. The lowest numbers win in this card game. And the Joker is wild!


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