
Showing posts from June, 2023

Efficient Governing

For over 50 years I have observed trillions of dollars of government waste. For example a resort I once worked for got $400,000 in Covid relief money even though they had their most profitable year.  Axel van Trotsenburg, senior managing director of the World Bank, recently stated . "If we could repurpose the trillions of dollars being spent on wasteful subsidies and put these to better, greener uses, we could together address many of the planet's most pressing challenges.  Such abuses include; *Fraud: Our government loses countless taxpayers dollars from fraud and abuse. *Corporate subsidies: The government wastes hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary subsidies to corporations each year. *Inefficient healthcare spending: The U.S. has one of the highest healthcare spending rates per capita in the world, yet still has poor outcomes compared to other developed countries. * Defense spending: The United States spends more on national defense than any other country b...

Our Priceless Earth

Today on the East coast the air is toxic due to wildfires puting 115 million Americans at risk.   In the mid 70’s I was at G.W. University studying Environmental Economics. This class gave me insight on how we know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Is humanity now entering a collective Darwin Award era? We have monetized everything while ignoring our very future since we have not valued our earth. Recently a fantastic book came out called Price the Priceless by Paula DiPerna.  Check out this amazing interview- Ms. DiPerna cites the importance of an eco-services assessment of our natural systems.   She states the value of our World’s GDP is about over $125 trillion dollars.  Since collectively we have not priced carbon this planet is the most unpaid or underpaid worker here.  We invest more than $40 trillion in pension funds while our future investment in the Earth is very minimal. Without some type of glob...