Our Priceless Earth

Today on the East coast the air is toxic due to wildfires puting 115 million Americans at risk. In the mid 70’s I was at G.W. University studying Environmental Economics. This class gave me insight on how we know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Is humanity now entering a collective Darwin Award era? We have monetized everything while ignoring our very future since we have not valued our earth.

Recently a fantastic book came out called Price the Priceless by Paula DiPerna.  Check out this amazing interview-  https://youtu.be/afpMLp0zY0s

Ms. DiPerna cites the importance of an eco-services assessment of our natural systems.   She states the value of our World’s GDP is about over $125 trillion dollars.  Since collectively we have not priced carbon this planet is the most unpaid or underpaid worker here.  We invest more than $40 trillion in pension funds while our future investment in the Earth is very minimal. Without some type of global insurance policy is crafted our fate is dismal. 

Paula urges us to reconceptualize the goods and services our environment provides.  One example she gives is a Forest Resilient Bond- securitizing environmental benefits down the line. The bond quantifies preventative measures to lessen fires and capture CO2 for our children. 

It involves beneficiaries that pay for this bond for investing in the best management of our forests.  Thus far $50 million dollars have been raised to fund an infrastructure measure to prevent climate catastrophe.

Whether you agree or disagree that the burning of fossil fuels, increases in population (doubling in the last 50 years) and other factors are creating life threatening greenhouse effects. The facts gathered by experts are daily accelerating.  Google the science yourself if you have the courage.

  • Taxpayers spent more than $120 billion responding to 2017 disasters. This spending exceeded the annual discretionary budget of every federal agency except the Pentagon that year.
  • Out of over a thousand recent articles in peer-review scientific journals about global warming, there was zero (no) disagreement. Also the costs of climate change are becoming exponential. 

  • 10 of the warmest years in history were in the last 14 years.

  • 57% of people question the fact of global warming, while 43% of people support the evidence.

If we do not foresee and forestall these economic costs will spiral.  Ignorance and global self destruction is here and now. Kindly look at the monetary risks and please act. Otherwise it is a horrific fact that we are burning down our house called Planet Earth!


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