
Showing posts from August, 2023

Planting Seeds of Hope

Just when I almost freak out I remember to trust the mystery.  Nobody knows how our future will unfold.  Yes climate change is profoundly accelerating.  Global warming threatens billions of people and costing countless trillions of dollars. While water, food, housing, health and human rights are all in peril resilience is essential. Each of us can cultivate awe with finding new possibility. Embracing the mystery helps me to be present. May I quiet my mind and listen to my heart! In today’s climate of despair I plant new seeds of hope. This helps me to best foresee and let go to. All I can do is to lessen my impact. Sustainable economic measures and formulating a global insurance plan are essential. Adopting ingenious mitigation measures will reduce these catastrophic costs and devastation.   Better design and management requires massive political will. Simply doing more with less will happen to increase our very quality of life. Compassion and insight is th...

The Fossils- Elderly Oil Boys Burning Down the Planet

This recent inspirational TED talk recently done by Al Gore confirms my own dealing with the oil industry as a recycling expert for four decades.  They rob Peter now to dump toxins on Paul.   Mr. Gore is spot on how we can best go forth.  Because of greed we're enabling a select few to jeopardize our very future. Here we are approaching the 2024 election and climate change is barely addressed if at all. This is so UCK FUP I can even properly say what's happening. Just follow the money and you will find out that we value destruction at expense of our survival. I think it's ironic that the fossil industry is made up a bunch of old men who only care about the almighty dollar at the expense to life on earth.  The elderly oil boys, or  the "Fossils", are literally getting away with mass murder. The gaseous waste created by the fossil fuel industry is already caused many trillions of dollars in environmental damage. Their emissions have no bounds. Last year gover...


Recently I was shocked when a childhood friend suddenly died.  Many of my friends and relatives are now gone.  Spending over  30 years doing mindfulness meditation I now realize how mindless I  am. The real takeaway is that I find liberation when I lessen my inner drama . I spend way too much time freaking over stuff outside my control. My way reveals the way if only I can get out of  my own way.  So my no self or no self helplessness I embrace.  Yes we think things do not change in our transitory world. Then BAM -Death happens!  At this point this could either be a FUNeral or a funeral. Let's remember to celebrate how much we got to live.   Yes every moment allows us a tidal wave of doubt or new possibility. All my years of  failure come back to share their misery. However, I hope to transform my curses into blessings. A lifetime  of rejection, and failures also has much joy and triumph.  My freedom comes from not taking ...

Wise Humor

I cultivate humor since having a light touch helps me to enlighten myself.  Humor helps me liberate by becoming less dense.  Also it uplifts me from the funny lessons life teaches.  I transform my inadequacies so as to reconcile both disaster and success.  Transmuting the negative with the positive I awakened to new possibilities to deal with difficult circumstances. This frees me from my negative internal critic. Then my curses transform into amazing blessings.   Also this allows me to foster a more tranquil flow of just being.    Listening awakens my heart to greater fun and fearlessness.   Also a courageous quality emerges within me when I laugh.  As I lightened my internal baggage I celebrate my higher self.   With less clinging or grasping I radiate a funny loving presence discarding my possessiveness.   Being humorous magically allows me boundless creativity.  Unskillful habits become dissolved and insightful ...