Planting Seeds of Hope

Just when I almost freak out I remember to trust the mystery. Nobody knows how our future will unfold. Yes climate change is profoundly accelerating. Global warming threatens billions of people and costing countless trillions of dollars. While water, food, housing, health and human rights are all in peril resilience is essential. Each of us can cultivate awe with finding new possibility. Embracing the mystery helps me to be present. May I quiet my mind and listen to my heart! In today’s climate of despair I plant new seeds of hope. This helps me to best foresee and let go to. All I can do is to lessen my impact. Sustainable economic measures and formulating a global insurance plan are essential. Adopting ingenious mitigation measures will reduce these catastrophic costs and devastation. Better design and management requires massive political will. Simply doing more with less will happen to increase our very quality of life. Compassion and insight is th...