The Fossils- Elderly Oil Boys Burning Down the Planet

This recent inspirational TED talk recently done by Al Gore confirms my own dealing with the oil industry as a recycling expert for four decades.  They rob Peter now to dump toxins on Paul.   Mr. Gore is spot on how we can best go forth.  Because of greed we're enabling a select few to jeopardize our very future. Here we are approaching the 2024 election and climate change is barely addressed if at all. This is so UCK FUP I can even properly say what's happening. Just follow the money and you will find out that we value destruction at expense of our survival.

I think it's ironic that the fossil industry is made up a bunch of old men who only care about the almighty dollar at the expense to life on earth.  The elderly oil boys, or  the "Fossils", are literally getting away with mass murder.

The gaseous waste created by the fossil fuel industry is already caused many trillions of dollars in environmental damage. Their emissions have no bounds. Last year governments subsidize $1.1 trillion dollars to these fradulent criminals. Also banks have loaned over $5 trillion dollars to these killers.  

I have also helped by owing oil stocks in my S&P 500 retirement account. Both private and public sectors have to champion corrective climate measures.  These present economic costs are enormous and the future catastrophic.  Also governments keep paying the tab for the devastating results while modestly investing to lessen it.

The real "Fossil" emissions are their lies and deception. The elderly oil boys are only putting back 1% of their profits into correcting  the problem. The "Fossils" are literally gaslighting us.

Just look at Shell Oil in Europe. They are making record profits because of the Russian war. They represent how the oil industry benefit at the people's expense. The "Fossils" profits dumping their externalities on the public at large. These are the greatest White Collar criminals that are still unrecognized in our history.
They claim such lies as carbon capture and Net Zero but it's all just BS.  See for yourself if this mass deception is true. 

I agree with Al that our individual will is the most critical renewable resource that must be fully deployed. No longer can I be any party in this global destruction.  I feel like the collective "We" are looking in a gas can with a match right now. Let's act or burn up!


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