Preserving & Conserving

Every day, the news suggests we find common ground since our very Earth is in jeopardy. My greatest love is this beautiful world.

Planetary destruction must be countered with vigilant preventative measures.  Need must trump greed if we are going to simply survive.

Why? Record breaking global surface temperatures, Antarctic sea ice loss, ocean temperatures, extreme flooding, heat waves and extensive wildfires imperil us. Just in the United States, we lost $150 billion in damage costs last year. And this is just the tip of our melting iceberg.

Over four decades ago the American Petroleum Institute established their model used oil recycling program. They advocated in their model program to place $0.05 a quart on the sales of motor oil. I helped start programs in D.C, Virginia, Florida, California and even went to Namibia to promote used oil recovery. Conservation happens once we can agree on its benefits. Now we're on a race to prevent our extinction.

Today the only states in this country that have an effective used oil recycling program placed a tax on oil. This is a great example of a carbon tax. Major auto supply stores get $40 in new business every time a DIYer oil changer brings their crankcase drainings back. Otherwise dumping it is toxic.

We've made tremendous advancements, however, greater ingenuity and safeguards are paramount. Preserving and conserving secures resources for the future

Another example is our healthcare-less system. One-third to one half of this care is wasted today. We all profit from pollution prevention and waste minimization.

Let's invest in our grandchildren's well being.  Once we exercise wise resource use we will change our course from a shipwreck to a dream boat.


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