Beloved Earth
All of my relationships are interconnected. This common bond offers me unlimited inner connection. How can I honor my deep love of nature? Treating my cosmos with respect, kindness and consideration I celebrate my greater self as the ultimate act of my greater well being.
All around the world people of all walks share in this sacred dance. How? By using less, we share in resources for the future. May I further show my boundless compassion for this beloved place. Let's share this form of love together.
When I reduce waste, and prevent pollution such ingenuity liberates me. Treating everything with respect is divine wisdom. Lessening my impact I make this a place better for future generations. My legacy is to pass on all the wonders, gifts and blessings that I have been gifted. As a visitor may II celebrate my joyful good housekeeping.
This is my radical form of grace called higher self care. If we cannot properly care for ourselves then how can we care for our greater world?
Yes everything is sacred. Exercising my profound earthy love I cultivate greater freedom and well being.