Conservative Investment
A recent PEW poll shows that over 66 percent of Americans believe
that humans impact our climate. Another 67
percent feel that the Earth is getting hotter and 58 percent favor alternative
energy. The recent Philippine hurricane and the past weather trends all are factors
why we must shift from fossil fuels. The more we lessen our carbon use the greater we create a better world for our future generations. Greater efficiencies both improve our economic and environmental prospects. Addressing climate change is both wise and prudent.
If all Americans can agree that less waste is better then what is
stopping us from lessening our impact on this earth and creating incentives to
do so? The challenge is for us to make partisan commitment on how we all can profit by preventing resource loss.
Cleaning up our air, water and land requires incentives and
pollution controls. Also such action
will send a message to our grandchildren we wish to leave a vital legacy. More people today
recycle than vote. Now, can we go to the
next level and advocate waste reduction,
and better environmental management practices?
Every facet of our society, be it health care, education,
transportation, etc., will excel if we invest in being more efficient and ingenious. Focusing on future prosperity through better resource management
can be explored, researched and implemented.
Currently we each are the agents of change for revitalizing the American way. Every facet of our infra-structure, culture and
society will benefit from a smaller footprint. Let’s
engage ourselves in a collective green awakening becoming more lean and green. Let's champion giving our best to this world by lessening our impact as the best investment to whatever the future brings.