Celebrate Starshine

The shortest day is upon us. This is an opportunity to celebrate the most startime. 

I embrace this starlight to light my inner candle. Dance under the Milky Way, allowing the trillions of lights filtering into the trillions of cells within you.
We are all children of the stars! It is a quantum pool of loving kindness. 93% of the mass in our body is stardust originating from giant red stars by the Big Bang 5 billion years ago. We share 97% of the same atoms. All the basic elements of life, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, calcium, and iron, were created before the earth. We share from these red giant stars more of this stardust than the asteroids or the planet Mars, All living and nonliving things on Earth, from water, crystals, rocks, stones,plants, animals, insects, birds, fish consists, of this stardust

The First People are and were mystical stars watchers. These heavens are the homes of ancestors, animals, plants, and spirits. 
Stargazing allows me to play with the rays cycling above! Take refuge by visualizing this Starshine- be a Starshiner. We are all blessed children of the stars.


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