
Showing posts from 2014

Accouting and Investing for Our Future

As human doings we now must face the challenge to become human beings.   Let’s be truthful about both our blessings and curses to improve our planet's prospects.   We have to speak the same language and agree on a few ley things if we wish to best go forth. Increasing better management and efficiencies increases our quality of life.   Now for us to embark with this intention to wisely act is the tenor of the times.   There are many ways to plant seeds for the future stimulating resource conservation and waste reduction. However there is a risk involved, massive financial experimentation, uncertain results, complex relationships, and an inescapable mandate for improvement. The world economy will eventually face this reality so we best conserve and preserve this place.  Our output and inputs must balance with increased environmental and social considerations on how this Earth’s future welfare is assured.   Creating new business that...

Free Drilling and Methane Emissions

Taxpayers for Common Sense recently cites in “Free Gas”, a real American tragedy (   Let’s agree that wasteful free subsidies for oil and gas companies is not good for this country or this earth.   Why do these profitable corporations pay nothing for over $380 million in royalties on the gas they have extracted over the past eight years on federal land? The gas and oil industry has avoided paying royalties on gas they use as fuel for their drilling rigs is decades old.   Since 1946 our Congress has permanently exempted any natural gas used for fuel on well sites from royalty payments.   How does it make sense that royalty-free fuel for oil and gas companies. Now the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in the Department of Interior, is considering changing these outdated free drill...

Thanks for Saving; Attitude of Gratitude

When I respect things, no matter if they are natural, human or spiritual, it is a form of thanksgiving.  Showing such reverence, either by conserving or just observing, I directly become interlinked with a profound appreciation of being on this Earth. Counting my blessings becomes a gift that keeps sustaining me. Nothing for me can be more rejuvenating than expressing gratefulness for all the ways this life and its people, and resources has provided me. Just maintaining a state of gratefulness re-energizes me, and moves me to shift my attitude so that I look for the silver lining in every cloud. Instead of looking at things as a curse, I can see them as the blessing they truly are.  This is a peak experience because this brings me in a flow state, since I am in ultimate relationship with all things.  The power of gratitude leads me to a greater sense of purpose, and a richer life. Invoking appreciation gives me ...

Will Work: Caring for Myself, Family and Country

Americans have yet to address healthcare efficiency as a priority. Health care reform offers an enormous potential for boasting the economy's prospects. If we can emulate Canada and only spend 11% of GDP on health care we would save $950 billion a year. [1]   In the last five years I have been taking care of all aspects of my Dad’s affairs.     The estimated economic value of unpaid work by some 42 million family caregivers in 2009 was $450 billion according to AARP. ...the total Medicare spending in that same years was $509 billion ...nearly $ 3 trillion was estimated in lost wages, social security benefits, private pension for men over fifty caring for their parents. Met-life estimates roughly $350k for woman and $284K lost for man for a typical fifty -years and over caring for their parents. [2]   Due to being self-employed just a few hours a week has allowed me insight as my father’s advocate.    A large part of my father’s life was...

Climate Intelligence?

Recently a friend of mine asked me to talk to another friend about climate change.  Friend X, a highly educated individual does not believe that humans impact our weather.   So my response was three-fold.  First, I would challenge friend X to see what our military has observed in the last few years.  Secondly talk to the other experts where roughly 97% of the scientific community agreed on such a thing in the past.   Finally, let’s see what the insurance and financial industry experts say about this warming.  Several years ago a number of retired generals and security experts presented national-security study. Using the military's risk-assessment practices, 11 retired generals and admirals issued a report saying that climate change creates massive instability around the world. " The impacts of climate change will be huge — deserts move north, coastal areas threatened, the dislocation of people ," said retired Adm. T. Joseph Lopez, who ...

Investing and Conserving Will Safeguard Our Future

Advancements in weather and economic modeling are documenting the cost of man-made carbon dioxide and other pollutants.   The White House is concerned of the financial concerns of climate change. The White House Budget Chief, Shaun Donovan, comments below; …global economic output could suffer by about 0.90 percent in the United States that would amount to whacking of gross domestic product by $150 billion a year.  And as the Great Recession demonstrated, “even small reductions in real GDP can dramatically reduce federal revenue, drive our deficits and impact the government’s ability to serve the public,”… 1 Conserving certainly can lessen our nearly $18 trillion national debt.  Also we can invest in new economic development program to combat this human environmental crisis. According to the American Geophysical Union, 80 percent of the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1700’s has occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries. Also the Pew Center on G...

Saving Water

When the well runs dry, we know the worth of water.   Ben Franklin California’s mega-drought serves as a reminder how precious our water resources are.   Many Americans are unaware what ground water is.   The stuff that creates life below the subsurface like the water that is stored in a potted plant.   Today we are depleting out of the ground H20 that has enormous impact on future reserves since to water is limited and requires time to recharge.  Throughout the world, clean water is becoming the most precious resource.   Half of the world’s population -- or three billion people -- live without access to safe drinking water.   With an estimated 2 billion additional people to be born in the next 30 years, good water will be even scarcer.   Here and worldwide, record droughts and water shortages are forcing us to reexamine water use. Four trillion gallons of water fall daily in America, much of which runs off or is evaporated.   ...