Let Freedom Ring - Examine Stupidity



Liberating Wisdom from Stupidity

When we explore loss and stupidity we find that the selfish self-absorbed culture is extremely dangerous. Here we may cultivate our very freedom.

As I benefit greater good than new doors of possibility and potential arise.  Examining our stupidity we unlock our prison doors of suffering to allow freedom to ring.

Below is a YouTube of the Five Laws of Stupidity.

  • Stupid people harm themselves and others- they are consistent and constantly creating losses. They are messing up both their world and themselves.

  • Wise people recognize these harmful beings.  Stupid people are the most dangerous people on the planet and evident this moment.  Even more pernicious than bandits and criminals stupid people destroy.  You can see how criminals work, however stupid people are very hard to predict.

  • Stupid people cause serious problems and impacts all of us. Stupid people are more dangerous even than villains

  • These deluded people are represented by all walks. For example even highly educated people can also fall in this category because they subconsciously undermine themselves and others.

  • You can walk into a room of ignorance and those under educated however they might not be self-destructive and thus not stupid.  

Below is a YouTube of the Five Laws of Stupidity



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