Uncle Robert- Enlightening My Way

I was blessed to share the same birthday and be named after my departed Uncle. He had a profound influence on me since his wisdom still lives on.  Whenever Robert spoke it was of benefit for others.  Every time I was with him he impressed me with his skillful remarks. Especially since Benson's love to stir things up.  Robert was tranquil and true to the expression still waters run deep. He kindly responded so as to benefit.  His memory reminds me to be free of all my reactivity. 

Over 45 years ago when my older brother was going through a maddening time, Robert coached him to sanity. For many decades Robert guided my brother whenever he had some crazy ideas. He mentored my brother with his patience and accepting nature.   Also Robert was the leader for our reunions.

Currently, we suffer a shortage of gifted leaders. There is a lack of skillful gatekeepers who both provide us with future direction and motivate us by their example. He was a great neighbor always helping others.  Robert was emotionally present and compassionate.  He was both selfless and gentle,  Also his virtuous nature  showed respect for all things. Being around Roberts' grace and psychic well being created a safe harbor in troubled waters. 

My favorite time to visit Robert was early morning for coffee and a walk.  Up to his very last year he loved to walk.   Robert was mindful, always responding, not reacting  to all things. For example, when you see something happening, he did not so much judge it, however, observe it. Instead of telling someone what to do, it may be more skillful to act as a role model. He empathized and looked at the strengths not the faults of others.  He was a great listener which is today endangered. 

Robert taught me how to examine greater freedom by his proactiveness.  Most people normally react, he showed a form of liberation by his rare reactive responses. Robert was “RESPONSE-ABLE,” thus  more responsible and effective.  

Robert embodied what freedom and happiness is all about. He was a father, neighbor, gardener, electrician, and wore many other hats.  He always had your back.  My most fond memory is when Robert took the time to go out of my way to visit me.  Very few of even my closest relatives have done this.  Whenever I feel like a shipwreck I must remember my Uncle Robert since his example provides a safe harbor and then I transform into a dreamboat.  His starlight provides me safe passage in these bizarre times. 


Tribute to My Uncle

Treat all your relationships as sacred

Leave things better than you found them

Cultivate  your garden. 

Carefully speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Being kind to others is your gift the keeps on giving

look within yourself, please lead by your blessings

flow with adversity,  you’ll calm the waters

                           Your a lifeboat of new possibility and awe

Trust  the mystery of the wave

Safe Harbors are in the Eye of Hurricane

Remember the Stars above Guide you

Gather yourself to Enjoy the Adventure

Celebrate the Now!

Be of Service and Embrace the Heavens

Everything is Sacred if you Make it


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