Blessed Ingenious Service

have tremendous appreciation for those who serve.  Whether they are in the health, education, or however they contribute for the better. So many people contribute priceless beneficial service with little or no compensation.   

Being of service reflects my gratitude.  Personally, I have given thousands of volunteer hours to return my thanks preserving resources.  My father spent most of his life crafting Congressional legislations to aid others.  His and others example profoundly inspired me by their selfless compassionate acts. 

Growing up in Washington D.C. I got to witness both the haves and those who do not.  Over a decade ago I was honored visiting with a Lakota medicine man.  When I realized we’re both the same age I reflected my luck of being born into prosperity. Especially when we both visited each others homes. However having lots of stuff does not always result with well being. For me wealth comes from a grateful ingenuity what I call "happy returns" giving back. 

For the last half of my life I have spent a lot of time living in the woods. I am fiscal conservative and socially liberal redneck who cuts my own firewood. Yes I have experienced the suburbs, city and country living in many parts of the U.S.  America must shifted from a wasteland to a blessed giving one. 

Humans are not at the crossroads where service will stimulate a finer life. For decades I have anguished in our excessive consumptive culture. Need is being trumped by greed.  Since we all are connected and our current wasteful disconnection threatens our future.  Simply we live beyond our means leaving a desecrated earth.

Greater public service is the cure for our ills.  Over use instead of reducing is dooming us.  Let's conserve -- less will bring us more.  Ingenuity for the future is both a wise plan and design. We are in peril unless we take a more selfless and frugal path.  There is no greater life purpose then to serve by gratefully giving back!

It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts.  These mean nothing it is simply service that measures success.  -George Washington Carver


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