Becoming the Eye of the Hurricane
Finding the calm in the middle of the storm is the tenor of the times. So centering is vital to best proceed. Finding my center is an exercise of being aware in every moment. Listening to my body is key. Simple things like mindfully riding my bicycle or walking on ice requires hightened awareness. A few days ago I was cutting down an eighty year old oak. Like driving on the highway I am vigilant to safely perform daily tasks. Centering requires a focused presence. As I expand this centered awareness it also welcomes a new level of well being. Centering is about listening or “hereness” lessening my mind chatter. Such a simple practice of checking into my body senses grounds me. Centering what is present increases my vibrancy. Experiment on centering by first getting yourself in a comfortable place. Watch how your lungs fill up with air and then how you exhale. How does the air touch your nose or mouth? Feel how your bottom connects with your chair or y...