Cool It
Since the early seventh 70s, I have grappled. whether we as a species will go instinct. In the last 100 years we have grown four times in size. Our eco-terror is evident due mankind's arrogant destructive acts.
We lack any emotional wisdom to best prepare ourselves for this uncool future. We do not have the ability to regulate ourselves from this apocalyptic fact. As earthlings we suffered from disassociative and traumatic indifference. Horrific environmental impacts result from our delusion that humans have dominion over this earth.
Simply we can handle the information and are disconnected While we can profit from pollution prevention instead our consumptive greed results in collective suicide creed.
It’s interesting that we have roughly $40 trillion dollars in our American pension system while our eco-systems services (or eco value of nature) provides this similar priced remediation. Extreme heat cost our global economy yearly $16 trillion dollars and increasing with growing temperatures.
Climate change has corroded American democracy and accelerated worldwide despair. Our current bottom-line culture is destroying the world. Truly let's value investing in our greatest form of life insurance.
Unless we wake up to this eco-terrorism we will not make it. Extinguishing this devastating eco-fire will secure our home from burning up.