Russian Roulette

Accepting that we are creating our own gas chamber is challenging. Recently the U.N Secretary General said, we playing Russian roulette. Each day new heat records are broken. The cost of climate change is similar to its very weather--catastrophic.

America's resource mismanagement and poor pollution prevention impacts our future. Unfortunately, we have not created a market system that accounts for clean air, water and land. 

As wastemakers and consumers there's the consequences of our throw away society. We're kicking the trash can down the road of unattended consequences. 

Tragically many Americans believe there's such a thing as a climate crisis. Over 50 years we have subsidized fossil fuels that is putting gasoline on the fire.

As climate-related disasters happen such losses will bankrupt our public/private insurance funds.

Improved risk management analysis will identify environmental liabilities and stimulate corrective actions. Also better cost accounting and actuarial examination can foster future economic growth. Without such scrutiny the question becomes will we thrive or survive?

Below is one example of our insurance crisis




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