My grandfather was a minister. For me, certain religious individuals who are over righteous lack simple reverence. These Bible- thumpers fervor threatens those of differing beliefs. Their messages appear to come from desperation, not inspiration.

Today, this divisiveness is hostile. This victoral comes as violent rhetoric. Spreading such fear increases anxiety and fuels more violence.

People who exercise their virtue instead of their vice are those that appeal to me. These individuals honor others even though their beliefs are different.

Unity happens when there is peace and cooperation. Jesus taught us to be unified, or one (John 17:21). Jesus preached to avoid corrupting talk. He warns the Galatians against the dangers of “rivalries, dissensions, divisions” (Galatians 5:20). God gives us his glory, so we'll be unified (John 17:22).

May we exercise virtue to unite, not divide. Let's respect our differences. May we pray together not prey on each other.


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