Keep & Be Cool

Last night, it was so hot I slept out on my porch after midnight. I live on the back of National Forest in the woods. I changed my thermostat from 77 up to 79. Maybe that's why my electric bill for the year was only $627.
Many people daily are dying because of this extreme heat. Since June 2023, each month has been hotter than the one before. The Earth's average temperature between July 2023 and June 2024 1.64 C (3 F), greater than it was before the 1870s, profoundly accelerated increased heat. 

This June a scientific assessment of the fierce heat in the eastern U.S. estimated that heat so hellish it was two to four times more likely to occur today because of human-caused climate change than it would have been without it. 

Global warming impacts billions of us and costs trillions of dollars. It is easy to rationalize that this crisis is too big to address. 

So are you going to be part of the problem or the solution? Show your appreciation and lead by example.

It is up to two different types of weather or whether. Whether we each become more carbon neutral. And, how our future weather impacts this fragile planet. As this mystery unfolds, hopefully, each of us may act to show our love for our Earth. Keeping cool and being cool by lessening your impact is the best investment to further life.



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