Selfless Healing

Healing is a conundrum.  Self care  takes self care to learn it. How may I transform my ills with a compassionate will? Acceptance Is a wonderful first step. 

Secondly, awakening to new possibilities fostering a caring attitude.

Creating a lightness with laughter cures my ills. Humor is my refuge from being so dense. It's okay to decay - my ill"ness" becomes "less." Minimizing my baggage I experience less resistance. Deconstruction provides me with new construction. Recreation rather than I wreck creation.

The game for me is watching how my healing begins.  I find my way when I get out of my own way. Basically no self, no problem. This powerful selfless teaches me. 

I balance disaster and success. 
transmuting the negative with the positive. Simply my curses become blessings if I don't make it so personal.

Now I may observe how my illness transform into well-being. Yes, radical self-care takes numerous skills to best go forth.



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