Transitory Courage
Recently I got an MRI lasting 30 minutes. I am profoundly claustrophobic. Before going under I had to sit up and allow my extreme anxiety to pass. Besides almost drowning as a child, I was placed in a dryer, car trunk and a my crushed car with a van of sixteen people on top of me.
Accepting my fear was possible thanks to my stress reduction skills of observing impearance. My courage grows when I accept that all things pass.
Dante's tale in the Divine Comedy, exemplifies this terror of being lost within our fearful inner wilderness unable to function. My "Dark Night of Soul" the abyss of angsy haunts me to my deepest core. My dark clouds will transform until silver linings, if I'm patient. A new beginning happens at the exact moment of an ending.
Always new starlight emerges into an immortal dawn. The doors of death open after dusk if only I may wait for another star to be born. Everything is recycled as the rays cycle.
In cosmic time there is no beginning nor end. Like nothing or zero, how can there not be something in infinity? Yes our body evaporates, and becomes star-dust. Once again, we are recycled carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and a host of other ingredient back into the grand cosmos.
Wallace Stevens wrote, in "The Deathbed as Altar," Death is the mother of beauty; hence from her, Alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams, And our desires."
How fearless can I be to face my deepest fears? Such profound risk inquiry of the mystery Ihope to benefit.
Honoring impermanence I let go. This divine acceptance fully amplifies my courage.
I am simply star-dust blowing in the cosmic winds of time and space. Interconnected to all things; near and far; here and there; constantly being transfigured into another portion of this endless galaxy - a tiny twinkle of lite. Yes, such reflection allows me to focus on my purpose, potential and possibility.
Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death- Buddha