Comic or Tragic?

As a baby boomer I am blessed to have enough savings to retire. Looking to my golden years with the acceleration of environmental decline. Will the human race end sooner rather than later? Are we in a comedy or tragedy of survival? Now that I am on Medicare I can vividly remember infrequently seeing my Dad in my childhood. He was working overtime with Congress to legislate this and other Social Security bills. Years ago I embrace being a comic rather than a tragic figure. Laughing and crying are closely aligned. As a young tennis champ I got a passport to travel and meeting supportive people. Becoming a tennis teacher in the off season I embraced preventing waste as my salvation. However I found out trying to save things is like Don Quixote attacking the windmill. Use it or lose it personifies why I am very skeptical. Does ending trumps mending? Forty-three years ago I was the D.C. area and national Earth Day organizer. Before that in high school I wrote a pap...